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KOA Background

Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) is a chronic degenerative disease with no cure.

KOA threatens healthy ageing and holistic wellbeing:

  • Physical wellbeing: KOA induces knee pain and disability

  • Mental wellbeing: Patients with KOA are at a higher risk for dementia and depression

  • Social wellbeing: KOA affects mobility for social interaction and self care, causing isolation and reduced self-efficacy  

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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a highly prevalent age-related disease – It affects >80% people beyond 55 years of age. (Palo, Chandel, Dash, Arora, Kumar, Biswal, 2015)

Growing of aging population in Hong Kong – With 29% population aged 65+ by 2034 (Ultra-aged Hong Kong) (Source: Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong (2021))

Prevalence of KOA rises with ageing population — Hence, the potential market will be enlarged in the foreseeable future 

Situation in
Hong Kong >

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Hong Kong population
suffer from KOA


New cases in Hong Kong
in 2019

knee problem

What is the Problem?


Limitation of Current KOA Disease Management

KOA is a multifactorial disease, and an accurate prognostic tool is lacking, resulting in delayed diagnosis.



Poor Treatment Outcome + Poor Social Protection

Lack of reliable KOA prognostic tools

→ Ineffective case referrals

→ Non-personalised treatment

→ Lack of comprehensive KOA insurance plan

Lack of self-management support during waiting period and after being discharged

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