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Powered by state-of-the-art machine learning, deep learning, and analytics, CLAIRE drives faster and more accurate healthcare data to revamp chronic disease management and thereby improve patient treatment outcomes.

CLAIRE develops the AI-driven knee osteoarthritis (KOA) management system to enhance the interplay between primary and secondary healthcare.  We aim to facilitate early diagnosis with personalised treatment protocols, but also aid in accurate case referrals and triage.  In conjunction with our self-management mobile application, we empower KOA patients to take an active role in managing their health, by providing a streamlined rehabilitation process with in-app risk assessment, individualised health education, and an online reservation platform for healthcare professionals.  Our data-driven approach also welcomes insurers to adopt accurate insurance price estimation.


CLAIRE is now on track to become a successful start-up company and consists of staff members from interdisciplinary backgrounds.  Within the first year of founding the company, the talented team had already developed the prototypes for the AI system and mobile application.  This convinced healthcare industry leaders, public health experts, as well as primary and secondary healthcare institutes to become collaborating partners.  CLAIRE is also awarded and secured a plethora of entrepreneurship awards, innovation awards, academic presentations, project showcases, and media coverages.  Their success story has meant that the company is constantly in the limelight in this specialist field.  In addition, The Hong Kong Trade Development Council has assist with the expansion of the venture into the US, Australia and New Zealand.


Our Team


Our Team

  • Honourabale Consultant

  • Project Supervisor

  • Principal Investigator of Wen's Lab

  • Associate Professor

Dr. Chunyi Wen 

MB.BS, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D.

Clinical Team

Toby Li

Co-founder, CEO, CMO

PhD Candidate in Biomedical Engineering, PolyU


Mordecai Yau

Director of Community Engagement & Associate Director in Clinical Division

Registered Nurse


Yoyo Wo

Clinical Advisor

Undergraduate of Occupation Therapy, PolyU

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Rachel Lui

Clinical Advisor

Undergraduate of Physiotherapy, PolyU

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Natalie Tang

Clinical Advisor

Undergraduate of Physiotherapy, PolyU

R&D Team

Justin Chan

Co-Founder, CTO/COO

PhD Candidate in Biomedical Engineering, PolyU

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Joffy Lau

Data Engineer

Mphil Candidate in Biomedical Engineering, PolyU

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Andrew Leung

Research Analyst

MSc Student in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, CUHK


Alex Zhang

Data Engineer

Undergraduate Student in in Biomedical Engineering, PolyU

Business Team

Karen Wong

Founding Member, CFO


Clarice Yip

CBDO (Chief Business Development Officer)

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Tiffanie Li

Director of Corporate Strategy


Lulu Keung

Finance Manager

Marketing & Communication Team
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Lucy Ng

Founding Member, UIUX Designer


AA Wong

Digital Creative Specialist

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